New Sava partnership to make Retrofit Credit generation as seamless as possible.

Original Article
May 10th, 2024


Sava, the leaders in calculation, analysis and improvement planning software for housing, has partnered with PNZ Carbon and HACT’s Retrofit Credits service – the only origination body of carbon credits for housing decarbonisation, to assist social housing providers in recovering some costs of retrofit works through the generation of verified carbon credits.

High quality carbon credits, when used effectively, can help businesses reach their net zero goals more quickly and target their capital into impactful retrofit projects that make a genuine and measurable impact.  PNZ Carbon’s project methodology, which is globally unique, is accredited by global standards organisation the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and incorporates the UK Social Value Bank, which enables the measurement of the social impact of housing retrofit through improvements in resident health and wellbeing.

Sava Intelligent Energy:

Sava Intelligent Energy provides calculation, analysis and improvement planning for reducing energy and carbon in housing. It uses data directly from your asset management system. Built using Sava’s 40 years of experience at the forefront of energy modelling, Sava Intelligent Energy is used by over 200 housing providers throughout the UK, analysing a combined portfolio of over 3 million properties.

PNZ Carbon/HACT’s Retrofit Credits:

Retrofit Credits is a partnership of PNZ Carbon (previously known as Arctica Partners) and HACT, which is facilitating the UK’s transition to net zero, by funding the affordable retrofitting of UK homes from the commercial demand for transparent, localised carbon credits.

Homes are the single largest contributor of carbon emissions from the built environment, accounting for almost a quarter of the UK’s total carbon emissions and representing the largest barrier to reaching net zero by 2050. The scale of investment needed to tackle this means that unlocking private sector investment will be critical to decarbonising the housing stock.

On a large scale, the Retrofit Credits service can help housing providers increase the pace and scale of their retrofit programmes by unlocking private sector investment to recovering some of the cost of retrofit works undertaken in their homes.

PNZ Carbon creates carbon credits from housing retrofit projects which produce measurable, and accountable carbon reductions. This allows UK businesses to purchase carbon credits from retrofit projects in their local area. Rather than outsourcing emission reductions to projects overseas, they can see the genuine benefits in real time and in their own communities.

How does the partnership work to generate carbon credits through retrofit projects?

Sava aims for Sava Intelligent Energy users to be aided in discovering the carbon credit generation process and documenting the required evidence. From predicting emissions reductions during the Improvement Planning process to forming automatic applications based on completed works, the partnership is working towards making the Retrofit Credit generation process as seamless as possible.