What is AssocRICS and how does it differ from MRICS and FRICS?.

Within the surveying industry, membership to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) stands as recognition of excellence. Whilst membership is not compulsory for surveyors, the designatory letters carry significant weight and are awarded on a combination of qualifications and experience. They signify not just a title, but a commitment to professionalism and ethical conduct required in the industry.
Originally, Associate Members were known as Technical Members and used the designation TechRICS. Over time, change has come about and these individuals now have a more contemporary identifier, using ‘AssocRICS’ after their name. This change reflects the commitment from RICS to align with the evolving landscape of the surveying profession.
Associate is the entry-level RICS qualification and offers the chance to progress to full chartered status. To enter RICS at Associate level, you will need relevant experience gained through a qualification such as a university degree. For some areas of surveying, such as residential surveying, you can also complete a vocational qualification such as the Sava Diploma in Residential Surveying and Valuation, which provides those without a degree an opportunity to enter the residential surveying profession with part-time training. Some qualifications, such as this diploma, offer direct entry into RICS at Associate level on qualification.
MRICS is the designation for Professional Members. Previously, those at this level were known as Professional Associates and used the designation ‘ARICS’.
The MRICS designation differs from AssocRICS as it requires a chartered qualification. Similarly to AssocRICS, you can apply at any point in your career. However for MRICS, you need either of the following:
- Experience and an RICS-accredited degree
- 5 years of relevant experience and any bachelor’s degree
- 10 years of relevant experience operating at an advanced level.
A FRICS is a RICS Fellow.
All chartered members are able to apply for fellowship, but you have to demonstrate how your career experience follows 4 out of 12 characteristics, which include client care, service to RICS and leadership, to name a few.
Surveyors with MRICS or FRICS designations are entitled to use “Chartered Surveyor” and variations such as ‘Chartered Building Surveyor’ or ‘Chartered Quantity Surveyor’, depending on their route of entry to the profession. Fellows are leaders in their field, people who have undertaken notable projects or made a special contribution to the profession. Only professional members who are major achievers in their careers may apply.
Whilst AssocRICS members are unable to describe themselves as ‘Chartered Surveyors’, they are able to offer RICS products such as RICS Level 2 and 3 residential surveys and provide the same services as MRICS members. The designation is not a sign of your capabilities as a surveyor; many successful, practising surveyors remain as AssocRICS members throughout their careers or choose not to join RICS at all.
Once an Associate member, it is possible to begin working your way up to Chartered status by gaining experience.
Interested in residential property? Find out more about the Sava Diploma in Residential Surveying and Valuation to train as a residential surveyor and qualify for direct entry into RICS at Associate level in just 24 months.
Get in touch today at hello@sava.co.uk or by calling a course advisor on 01908 442158.