Halloween series: the problem with poltergeists is…things that go bump in the night.

Original Article
October 28th, 2015


Everyone gets spooked on Halloween. We’ve all heard the noises – the groaning of floorboards, the sinister whir of the wind, that inexplicable thud in the loft space. The problem with poltergeists is they tend to have a fondness for cold, dark spaces – and your loft could be the perfect living environment on All Hallows’ Eve.

But don’t be resigned to peering up at the loft hatch with dread every year. If you haven’t already done so, invest in loft insulation. Loft insulation is a great way to ensure you aren’t losing heat through into your loft space and out through the roof. Heat moves from warm areas to colder areas and the Energy Saving Trust estimates that a quarter of heat in an un-insulated property is lost through the roof1. By adding a layer of loft insulation, heat will find it harder to penetrate the upper part of your house and escape through the roof, so your house will stay more heat efficient in the winter months. But how does this help to protect you against poltergeists?

Adequate loft insulation (recommended 270mm in thickness) can also be used as a soundproofing tool by absorbing any noises made in the loft/roof space. This means you can dampen the spooky noises and nip your spirit’s scare campaign in the bud. This won’t get rid of your poltergeist but, let’s face it, how often do you go into the loft anyway? According to consumer body Which?, loft insulation should take just two years to pay off through the savings you’ll make on your heating bills, and it could even improve your homes energy efficiency rating (shown on your energy performance certificate)2 – so ghost or no ghost, loft insulation could be the smart choice.

However, if you’re looking for a more permanent solution to your poltergeist problem, you could try insulating the roof. Unlike loft insulation, roof insulation can stop poltergeists entering your house completely. After all, it is a well known fact that insulation provides an impenetrable barrier against poltergeist attacks. Spooky, but true*.

We’ll be back tomorrow with more tips on defending your dwelling this Halloween!

*Well, sort of.

[1]  http://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/domestic/roof-and-loft 

[2] http://www.which.co.uk/energy/creating-an-energy-saving-home/guides/how-to-buy-loft-insulation/loft-insulation-costs-and-savings/