Hear from a recent Diploma Graduate.

We asked recent Sava Graduate, Stephen Anscombe, on his experience with the Diploma in Residential Surveying and Valuation. This is what he had to say:
What was your role before joining the course?
I was a wine advisor/delivery driver. Previously I had been a painter & decorator for several years. I had no experience of residential surveying at all. I was fortunate enough to obtain a trainee surveyor role at a firm a few months before the course started.
What made you consider a career in residential surveying?
Ironically, in my previous role I was delivering wine to one of our regular customers. I mentioned to him I was thinking of embarking on a new career to bring more fulfilment and satisfaction, but ultimately was not sure what path to go down. We chatted some more and he told me he was a chartered surveyor and had been for the last 30 years. I shadowed him on a couple surveys and got the ‘buzz’ for it. Over the following weeks I did many hours of research into the industry as a whole and felt a career Residential surveying would be right for me. Nearly 3 years on from that decision and I haven’t looked back!
What is it in particular that drew you to Sava and the Diploma in Residential Surveying and Valuation?
After becoming engrossed with the idea that I wanted to become a Residential surveyor. I initially started looking into what qualifications and courses I would need to achieve my goal. I never went to university but had adequate enough A-Levels to go to a reputable one. I received an offer from a university for a 5 year part –time course. At first I was excited, yet something told me in the back of my mind that there must be a faster route surely. I found Sava online, made the call to their team and a few months later I enrolled for the February 2016 intake.
Would you recommend the Diploma in Residential Surveying and Valuation to others looking to pursue a new career?
Absolutely. Many of the other candidates like myself on the course were currently in employment. For me, going to university for 3-5 years was not an option that I felt comfortable with. With Sava you obtain a degree equivalent qualification and have the option of becoming an RICS member in little over two years. It really is a no brainer. The lecturers and the staff are incredibly knowledgeable in their respective area of expertise, are friendly and approachable.
What would you say has been the highlight of the qualification process so far?
Of course after two years you would think obtaining the diploma would be my highlight right? However, in all honesty the assessment process in the second year was my favourite part. Though the workload is intensive, during this time you really build on the knowledge you obtain during your first year and put it into action through the tasks that are set.
Do you have any plans now you have qualified?
Apart from cracking open the champagne…I have recently attended the Sava careers day in Coventry. The day was a success and was a great way to connect with employers. Currently, I am in talks with a few firms from the careers day and hope to secure a job in the not too distant future!