Hear from a Recent Graduate.

We asked recent graduate, Ainsley Ball, for his experience on the Diploma, hear what he has to say:
What was your role before joining the Diploma?
I am currently the owner of a local independent estate agent in Lancashire. I have been involved in property for over 15 years and had my own business for ten of these.
What made you consider a career in residential surveying?
It is something that I have always thought of doing, but due to the perceived amount of time it would take I never got around to committing to it. With all the changes in estate agency (for the worst), it is prudent to be able to have something else I can do going forward. The professional status of a surveyor, the public’s trust in this profession and the responsibility that this brings is also a great thing to be a part of.
What is it that drew you to Sava and the Diploma in Residential Surveying and Valuation?
It was simply the possibility of achieving the qualification in a relatively short time frame. I knew that if I put the hours in, I could be qualified quite quickly.
Would you recommend the Diploma in Residential Surveying and Valuation to others looking to pursue a new career? (If so, why?)
I would definitely recommend the diploma to others; I found the process straightforward and enjoyable. It is not easy, and you have to work hard, however the knowledge that you gain from the vastly experienced tutors is invaluable. If you are older and want a change, or even fresh from college, this really is a great way into residential surveying.
What would you say has been the highlight of the qualification process so far?
There have been many highlights throughout the process, meeting new people and making new friends, getting back into the classroom after a considerable amount of time and learning from experienced surveyors, but the feeling when my last assessment was signed off will take some beating.
Do you have any plans now you have qualified?
I am still going through the process of deciding exactly what I going to do. My options include the integration of residential surveying into my current business, solely concentrating on surveying or doing both side by side.
You can read more about the Diploma in Residential Surveying and Valuation here.