Law Update for Residential Valuers, Surveyors and property professionals – Virtual Classroom (10th Sept).

An online virtual classroom for residential surveyors and valuers.

Law Update

Join Carrie de Silva for a refresher and update on developments and litigation on various aspects of law that is of significance to residential surveyors, valuers and property professionals. This session will take place at 10am on 10th September 2024.

Content overview

  • Update on the continuing saga of Japanese knotweed
  • The latest on negligent valuation
  • The need to take ADR seriously
  • The importance of ensuring the right parties are named in any documentation
  • The treatment of expert evidence
  • The consequences of breaching TPOs (not always ‘just’ a fine)
  • The ‘reasonable mistake’ defence in adverse possession
  • Stop press!! – the presenter will always keep an eye on developments and anything of particular importance which crops up at the last minute will be covered


CPD Subject Category:
Housing - Online Training Modules

Study method:
Online Virtual Classroom



£60.00 + VAT


Why you need this

Whether you specialise in areas such as boundary disputes or simply need to ensure that you are up to date, this session will be of interest and relevance. Being well-informed ensures optimum client service and can help you to resolve disputes before unreasonable escalation. 

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, you will have an understanding of:

  • Some recent court activity, in particular areas of relevance to a residential valuer
  • How the law applies in the context of your everyday work
  • Have a range of practical considerations to apply to your work to enhance professional practice, aid early problem-solving and dispute resolution and to avoid negligence claims based on inaccurate advice

Who is it designed for?

  • Residential surveyors and valuers
  • Building Surveyors
  • Sava graduates


  • A two-hour online virtual classroom
  • Delivered through Sava Learn, our online learning platform
  • Allows for interaction and questions from participants
  • Delivered by Carrie de Silva, Sava trainer and Visiting Professor at the Royal Agricultural University. You can read our trainer profiles here.


The cost of the session is £60 + VAT