Big Energy Saving Week 20-26 January.

Original Article
January 10th, 2020


New research marking the start of Big Energy Saving Week 2020 (20-26 January) has revealed a significant gap in consumer understanding about managing their household energy use and the simple steps people can take to reduce their carbon footprint.

The survey revealed that 36% of British households have made no changes to their energy usage in recent years and 73% were surprised to hear that British homes are responsible for 25% of UK carbon emissions.

Analysis by the Energy Saving Trust found that 4 simple changes could help towards the UK target of net zero emissions by 2050:

  • Turning your thermostat down by 1 degree would cut 3.3 million tonnes of carbon emissions every year
  • Changing all your lightbulbs to LEDs would save 430 thousand tonnes of carbon emissions every year
  • Turning appliances off rather than keeping them on standby would  curb the release of 1.3 million tonnes of carbon emissions
  • Only using the right amount of water in your kettle would stop 2 million tonnes of carbon emissions being released annually.

You can read more here.