Sava Exhibits at HOMES UK and Unlock Net Zero Live.

On the 23-24 November the Sava team exhibited at HOMES UK and Unlock Net Zero Live! at the ExCel in London. The main hustle and bustle of attendees for this event included those who are involved in the retrofit challenge, building safety, achieving net zero goals and those providing quality and affordable homes within sustainable communities.
With almost 4,000 attendees and 250+ speakers, this year Unlock Net Zero Live conjoined with HOMES UK for the first time inclusive of a large dedicated speaking arena which was extremely popular and highly informative. There was a fantastic turn out with so much knowledge gained and shared.
The event was organised to a T with a fantastic variety of stages for exhibitors and delegates to attend live speaking sessions including “The future of heating and cooling” and “Knowledge is power: how to build an effective data and reporting culture”.
We were thrilled to see lots of new faces alongside our loyal familiar partners and integrators across the event. The team was certainly more than happy to have a chat with existing partners and for those of you who are new to Sava, to demonstrate how Sava Intelligent Energy can best assist in helping you meet your net zero targets.
Whether you’re an existing customer of Sava Intelligent Energy, or thinking about implementing this; its proving now more than ever how vital it is to gain as much understanding and insight as possible into housing stock, and the importance in having clear data to best maximise the amount spent on green retrofit.
In person events are becoming increasingly popular and even more desired now post-covid. The more ways we can communicate, the better. We know that our Sava family thoroughly enjoy meeting you all face-to-face.
Looking ahead towards 2023, we look forward to attending many more events and conferences. Oh and of course, to continue to bring our Curly Wurlys out on tour with us!
Sofia Grillo – Marketing Executive, Sava