CABE Accredits Sava’s Residential Surveying and Valuation Diploma.

Following a comprehensive accreditation process, we are pleased to announce that Sava’s Diploma in Residential Surveying and Valuation has been accredited by the Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE). This means that successful graduates will be able to apply to join CABE as Associate members.
Following a detailed submission process and presentation, Sava received particular commendation for:
- The excellent course material with a clear layout that is informative and easy to follow
- The online blended approach to surveyor education
- The approach to the practical assessments, which CABE found to be engaging, challenging, rigorous and most importantly very relevant, giving learners the ideal preparation for a career in residential surveying.
- The inclusive design of the course that allows leaners from all ages, and backgrounds who are working full time to access the diploma and achieve the qualification required to pursue a career in residential surveying.
Hilary Grayson, Sava’s Director of Surveying Services commented:
“We are pleased to be working with CABE to offer more people the opportunity to access exciting careers in the Built Environment. We know from our work with RICS and residential valuation firms that the vocational training model we offer really works to unlock talent and give people real opportunities to flourish in their careers. So, to be able to work with another professional body benefits more people and businesses.”
All Sava learners can apply for free student membership of CABE which can be upgraded to Associate Membership after two years’ relevant experience in the workplace.
CABE understand the importance of making sure that students are learning the right skills to and knowledge enables them to start out on their career. John Barfoot, Learning, Education and Academic Director at CABE, commented:
“By working alongside Academic Partners like Sava we can help create courses that are relevant to the industry and help Building Engineers develop a career in the Built Environment”.
Read more about the Diploma in Residential Surveying and Valuation on our website.