Halloween series: Poltergeists play havoc with your electricity bills.

Original Article
October 27th, 2015


Halloween is just four days away and all manner of ghouls are preparing to disrupt your energy consumption. Are you prepared to defend your dwelling?
Yesterday we advised on how to combat ‘cold spots’ caused by ghostly apparitions, but it’s not just the cold you have to worry about. In 2010, energy company E:ON estimated that ‘spooked’ Brits were spending £138,000 a night sleeping with the lights on because they were too scared to turn them off.
There is no doubt that everything is scarier in the dark – but what can you do to feel safer without compromising your energy consumption?
First things first, make sure you’ve invested in low energy light bulbs. The traditional filament light bulb is well on its way to being phased out completely and replaced with LED and compact fluorescent light bulbs (CLFs). These bulbs last longer than traditional light bulbs – so, if you are intent on leaving the lights on, you can sleep with the reassurance that they’re less likely to burn
out during the night.
However, the best way to conserve energy is to leave the lights off altogether. This may sound daunting, but the key is to prevent these Halloween hauntings from happening in the first place! This can be done by investing in solar lights for your front and back gardens. These lights are powered directly by the sun, perfect for banishing vampires and the like – so you can put away the garlic, switch off that bedroom light and achieve peace of mind (whilst also conserving energy).
Poltergeists are also rather fond of white noise – this is why they enjoy turning your televisions and radios on and off when you least expect it, and your energy bills won’t thank them for it. The trick here is to unplug your electricals before you go to bed. No electricity, no white noise, no energy wasted. Your poltergeist will soon move on.
Follow this simple advice and you’ll be sleeping easy on All Hallow’s Eve.
We’ll be back tomorrow with more tips on how to stay energy efficient this Halloween.