Sava Learn Update.

We are pleased to announce Sava Learn has been updated!
There is a new look and feel of the site with a new navigation bar. The changes to the site will make it much easier for our learners to navigate and find the information they need to complete their qualification.
Summary of the changes
1. The look and feel of the site will change. The new version has many expandable areas and you can choose to open or minimise them.
2. There will be a new navigation bar which will make it easier for you to locate information.
3. The navigation bar will contain the following sections:
• ‘Learning’ – here you will find all the necessary modules associated with your qualification and training. The names of these modules will remain the same, however they will now be displayed in the order in which you complete them on your training days.
• ‘Events’ – this is the location for finding all of your booked events including Interactive Sessions, Industry Events (previously Careers Information), Workshop sessions (previously Case Study Webinars) and previous event recordings. This is where you will access your Virtual Classroom sessions.
• ‘Help and Support’ – this contains information about how to contact the training team, useful websites and guides you will need for your training.
If you have any issues using the site once you have watched the video above please contact us on