
November 10th, 2020

Radiators – What you can check for during a survey

Radiators are the most common heat emitter in residential dwellings and they play an important role in heating our homes yet generally, radiators are not reported on in surveys. Older, unmaintained radiators can…

July 10th, 2020

Permitted Development Rights

There are certain types of development work when planning consent is deemed to have been granted by Government, as opposed to by a local authority on a case by case basis. These are…

June 18th, 2020

Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking

Modern slavery and human trafficking (MSHT) is one of the greatest human rights concerns of our time. The figures for victims far outnumber even the transatlantic slave trade of the 16th and 19th…

June 17th, 2020

Japanese Knotweed Case Law

Over the past few years Japanese knotweed has raised concerns, perhaps disproportionately, among residential surveyors. This is not due to any changes in the law, but due to a small number of cases…

June 17th, 2020

Giant Hogweed – Emerging Liability

Giant hogweed is notable amongst invasive plants in the UK in that it has direct harmful human health implications, as well as negative effects on the native ecology and environment of the UK.…

June 11th, 2020

Customer Service v Customer Experience

Customer service is a term we are all familiar with; it is the level of assistance you provide to your customer – great customer service is about going the “extra mile”. With an…

June 10th, 2020

Valuing New-Build Property

In this article we explore the approach to valuing new-build residential property being sold for the first time (this includes actual ‘newly built’ property as well as new conversions etc.). This is an…

June 10th, 2020

Cannabis Cultivations – What to Look Out For

In this article, Sava student and serving police officer, Christopher Moran, explains the signs to look out for when inspecting property with regards to cannabis cultivations, and what to do if you suspect…