What is the Sava scheme?.

When you work in a demanding role, it’s good to know you can get expert support and advice as well as many free business support services. The Sava scheme membership is available to residential surveyors who hold the Home Inspector Diploma, the new Diploma in Residential Surveying or the Diploma in Residential Surveying and Valuation in order that they can produce Home Condition Surveys (HCS).The Sava Scheme builds upon Sava’s reputation as a champion of residential property surveying standards. Our checks and quality assurance procedures are thorough and guarantee consumer confidence in Home Condition Surveys.
Being part of the Sava Scheme will give you the knowledge and support to help you, your career and your business to grow:
- Easy to use software – Our easy to use, industry leading report writing software is available 24/7 on the Sava portal and is supported by a library of free factsheets that you can add to the report to add value for your client.
- Business support – You will benefit from our promotion of your services to potential clients, networking support and other business assistance.
- Technical Bulletins – You will receive regular copies of our Sava Technical Bulletins keeping you up-to-date on Home Condition surveying developments, associated issues and tips on using our software.
- CPD support – You will be given full CPD support and advice, including reduced rates on training courses.
- Online storage – You will be able to upload inspection records, photos and other information and store it in a secure area with full daily backups. This simplifies audit and complaint investigation procedures and is in addition to your own record keeping requirements.
- Marketing and branding support – We can provide a range of marketing material at cost, logos for use on websites and stationery, and other branded items