Sava go Online with new Residential Valuation Certificate.

Sava have been providing education, technology and compliance services to the Surveying industry for many years, and as a part of their ongoing growth, have recently launched their new ‘Certificate in Residential Valuation’ qualification as a completely online learning experience.
Designed to help bring the existing residential surveying profession right up to speed in terms of providing and delivering residential valuation services, the qualification has been certificated by ABBE (Awarding Body for the Built Environment) in partnership with Birmingham City University. The qualification is mapped against the RICS Valuation Registration Scheme (VRS) to ensure that any individual undertaking the Certificate can be assured that it meets all the pre-requisite elements of RICS.
Andy Flook, Business Development Director said “Talking to industry and listening to our customers always sits at the forefront of how we continually develop our organisation to ensure we are constantly improving the products and services we provide to the Surveying sector. We are very proud of what we are able to offer the Residential Surveying Industry. The Certificate in Valuation is a milestone for us, as it’s the first qualification we have created as a completely online and app-based learning experience using our newly developed educational platform ‘Sava Learn’. Modern learning culture is changing dramatically, and we feel that starting to utilise technology to not only enhance the overall learning experience but to also enable complete freedom of movement when it comes to when or where people choose to consume their learning time is going to be vital to any busy professional so we are delighted to be looking at how more of our training offerings can be delivered this way in the future, but in the meantime, the Certificate in Residential Valuation makes for a great start”.
Early uptake for the qualification has been very high and has consisted mainly of existing RICS surveyors whom may already have a good level of knowledge in and around Building pathology and construction and are looking to extend their existing repertoire of services to incorporate valuation activity. Early indications show that the fact that the course is delivered online has proven to be hugely beneficial to Surveyors whom often struggle to perhaps attend regular fixed classroom days but are able to slot in time around busy schedules to get back into the learning environment.
Find out more about the Certificate in Residential Valuation here. We are also running regular free webinars to introduce the qualification, book here.